· By Sample Genius

How to Make Over 10K a Month as a Music Producer: Beatsars Sales Strategy

Are you a music producer looking to make over ten thousand dollars a month? Well, you're in luck! In this blog post, I'm going to share with you three different ways to achieve this goal. And trust me, I know what I'm talking about. I've made over eight hundred thousand dollars selling my Beats online, and I believe that if I had some of this knowledge when I was starting out, I would have been able to fast-track my way to the results that I have today. So, let's dive in!

The first method I have for making money as a music producer is selling on Beat Stars. Although Beat Stars is by no means a secret, I truly believe that 99% of producers aren't using it to its fullest potential. There are so many ways to make money inside the Beat Stars ecosystem that many people don't take advantage of. So, let me show you how you can maximize your profits on this platform.

The first way to make money on Beat Stars is through collab sales. This is how I personally make over eighty percent of my earnings on Beat Stars. To make money off collabs on Beat Stars, I send my melodies to producers who already have a big platform on Beat Stars or YouTube. Whenever they use my melody, they'll add me for a 50/50 split on any sales that the beat gets. I send my melodies out to these big producers every single day to ensure that I'm consistently getting collabs. But let's say you lean more towards making drums instead of melodies. You can copy this same exact strategy but use your full beats instead of melodies.

The second way to make money on Beat Stars is by building your own brand. The most popular way to do this is by posting type beats on YouTube and driving traffic from your YouTube views onto your Beat Stars store. There are countless examples of producers who are making way more than ten thousand dollars a month doing this. If you want to grow your type beat channel to over ten thousand dollars a month, you should be posting amazing beats every single day, staying consistent with your keywords and the sound of your beats, and sticking with it for a long period of time.

But while you're waiting for your type beat channel to grow, there are some other ways to make money inside of Beat Stars. One thing you can do is submit your beats to Beat Star's playlists in the opportunities tab. If I were starting out, I would submit every beat I could to these opportunities because if you get added to a big Beat Stars playlist, it's going to instantly give you a boost in views and sales on your beats. If you're constantly submitting new beats, you have a way better chance of getting picked. Another thing I've seen working for some of the top producers on Beat Stars is reposting your beats. If you look at my Beat Stars feed, you can see that a couple of producers are taking up the whole entire thing. This isn't because they're posting that many beats in a day, but they're reposting their most popular beats multiple times a day so that they're constantly in their followers' faces. So, I would make sure to do this three to five times a day with your best beats to ensure that you're always in your followers' feed.

The third and final way to make money on Beat Stars is by leveraging other people's followings. If you don't have a big brand yourself, this is a great way to make money. One thing you can do is reach out to bigger producers and ask if they would be interested in reposting your beats for a cut of the sales. It works great for them because they get to make money off something...

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